Economic justice, work and leisure

Tania Aubeelack explores the links between the value of work, leisure, and the gig economy. In our podcast series, she explains that an economically just society gives everyone a fair share and equal access to knowledge, happiness, health, freedom, and prosperity.

Economic Injustice in history

Professor Robert Beckford explains what an economically just society looks like and explores some of the root causes of social and economic justice in Britain today. He also explores the morality of extreme wealth and, in our podcast series, the legacy of colonialism.

Legacy of Empire

Professor Gurminder Bhambra explains the extent of wealth extraction from former British colonies to fund British institutions and the idea that an economically just world is about human value and fair distribution.

Equity of health and well-being

Professor Sir Michael Marmot explains that social inequality is about more than just economic inequality, it is also about being able to live a dignified healthy life. Equity of health and well-being, as well as income, can all ensure people are able to participate fully in society.

Advice if you’re stopped or arrested by the police

Dr Adam Elliott-Cooper offers tactics to prepare people when they are approached, stopped and searched, or arrested by the police. He advises people stopped on the streets, in a vehicle, at a protest or any situation that the main priority is to de-escalate the situation and ask for representation from Police Action Lawyers if necessary.


People’s Empowerment Alliance for Custom House
Hero Austin and Margaret Agyapong talk about tactics used in the People’s Empowerment Alliance for Custom House (PEACH) campaign. Working with hundreds of other families living in unsafe and unhealthy homes owned by a private corporation, Hero and Margaret successfully campaigned to return the properties to council ownership and secured rent reductions for all.

Diversity, equality and access to nature

Mya-Rose Craig tells the story of how she set up Black2Nature to help give young people in visible minority ethnic communities access to nature and tackle the lack of diversity in green spaces. She also talks about the climate emergency and the need for more urgent action.