To everyone who helped make our project happen, in particular:
Project Manager Carrie Supple
Project Development Worker and Coordinator Dr. Abi Rhodes
Economic (In)Justice Project Advisory Group, Listening Project, Learning Pathways and PR Groups:
Luke Aaron; Tania Aubeelack; Jahura Begum; Pat Boyer; Dr. Richard Bromhall; Mary Campbell; Anna Cawdron; Robyn Cooke; Kelly Dixon; Will Essilfie; Veronica Fletcher; Michele Harding; Jason Hussein; Ema Jackson; Geraldine Murphy; Victoria Nicholson; Patrick Regan; Martin Spafford; Ben Supple; Rona Topaz; Dr. Scott Weightman and participants from the Forest of Dean, the North East, Nottingham and Southwark who shared their experiences and enabled us to begin.
Rainbow Collective, film production company Hannan Majid and Richard York.
Vanishing Point Creative, website design, build & management Andy Donald and Bernie Donohoe.
Additional filming Mark Hutchinson and Professor Steve Hawley.
The interviewees for their stories, tactics and analysis:
Luke Aaron; Margaret Agyapong & Hero Austin, PEACH; Shahajahan Ali; Tania Aubeelack; Helen Barnard; Siana Bangura; Professor Robert Beckford; Professor Gurminder Bhambra; Dr. Pogus Caesar; Chris Chalkley; Costa Christou; Louise Cooke; Rosemary Corcoran & Brian Mahoney; Councillor John Cotton; Mya Craig; Dr Adam Elliott-Cooper; Georgia Elliott-Smith; Professor Sam Friedman; Kimberly Garande & Chrisann Jarrett; Tessa Gray; Khady Gueye; Jane Hatton; Dr. Elizabeth Henry; Keith Hodgson; Sandra Hulme, Mark Palmer & Peter Wyman; Sonya Hundal; Lela Kogbara; Dr. Brian W. Lavery; The Lewis family; Dr. Charlotte MacPherson; Professor Sir Michael Marmot; Rowan McCabe; Lola McEvoy; Susie Morrow; Deb Neville; Police Spies Out Of Lives (PSOOL); Jess Prendergrast; John Ratomski & Sam Spong; Paul Rutherford; Kiren Shafiq; Professor Helen Storey; Professor Barry Supple; Ben Tippet; Professor Nadia Valman; Pam Warhurst; Jane Wheeler.
The artists who designed our postcards for economic justice.
Speakers at our October 2019 event, Poverty Injustice – Building Power from the Grassroots. Diana Skelton, ATD 4th World, Amina Gichinga, the Renters Union and Luke Aaron.
Our funders Garden Court Chambers, the Lipman-Miliband Trust, Matrix Causes, the Diana Whitworth CAF Trust, Heitman, Andreas Welter, Lush and the MSN Fund for their generous grants towards this project and to everyone who has donated to our appeal or bought a postcard.
Caroline Coates and everyone who walked in the name of women activists.
The Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG), in the School of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester for choosing Journey to Justice and this project as one of their 2000-21 Activist Museum Award winners. Thanks to Professor Richard Sandell and Dr. Ceciel Brouwer for their support.
Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) for funding to support PhD student Charlotte-Rose Kennedy’s placement with Journey to Justice.
This project was a natural sequel to Journey to Justice’s civil rights exhibition programme. Economic and racial injustice are profoundly connected. It was inspired by hearing long time anti-poverty activist Jean Stallings talk about her life and Journey to Justice friend Sarah Stewart urged us to address the stigma of poverty.